BigChange Ltd - Android Mobile Application - Crash after Logon – Incident details

All systems operational

Android Mobile Application - Crash after Logon

Started 3 months agoLasted 2 days



Operational from 9:51 AM to 8:08 AM

Mobile Application Services

Operational from 9:51 AM to 8:08 AM

  • Resolved

    The new version of the Android Application is now available on the Google Play Store.

  • Update

    A new version of the Android Application has been submitted to the Google Play Store for approval.

    Another update will be provided once the application is live.

  • Identified

    Our engineers have identified the underlying issue and are working on a fix.

    To temporarily resolve the issue, follow the instructions below;

    Navigate to Settings and then Applications / Apps
    Navigate to JobWatch. The "App Info" page should be displayed.
    Navigate to Permissions, and then Location.

    Tap "Don't allow", and then "Allow only while using the app". Ensure that "Use precise location" is toggled on, at the bottom of the page.
    Re-open the BigChange JobWatch application

    If the issue persists, please contact the BigChange Support team for assistance.

  • Update

    Our engineers are currently trying to identify any corrective actions that can be performed on a device, to temporarily resolve the issue.

    A further update will be published once this is available.

  • Investigating

    We are currently investigating this incident, whereby the latest version of the Android JobWatch Application is crashing post login.

    This only affects v5.26.0 of the application.

    A further update will be provided shortly.