BigChange Ltd - Mobile application uninstalling from BigChange managed devices – Incident details

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Mobile application uninstalling from BigChange managed devices

Started 3 months agoLasted 1 day
  • Resolved

    The majority of devices have now reinstalled the application and are operating as normal. Any further issues should be raised to support as normal

  • Update

    The delays in jobs sending to devices has now been resolved. We continue to monitor on the re-install of the application on the mobile devices

  • Update

    Our team are continuing to monitor the devices. As a result of the re-install of the application we are also seeing an increase in data transfer from the servers, this is causing a delay in job updates being sent to devices in some instances

  • Update

    Devices are continuing to re-install the application. Unfortunately due to the nature of the issue there will potentially be some data loss where the device had not synchronised activity back to the servers. We apologise for any inconvenience this has caused.

  • Monitoring

    The application is now starting to re-install to the impacted devices. Our team continue to monitor

  • Identified

    Our team are continuing to work on a resolution for this issue.

  • Investigating

    We are receiving reports of the mobile application being uninstalled from BigChange managed mobile devices. Our team are investigating this currently. As a precaution they have repushed the application to impacted devices.